Tuesday, July 17, 2012

Dog Treats: Frozen yogurt with blueberries

It's summer in south Florida; we're all hot - including the little doggies.  When I found this recipe in Rachael Ray's magazine, I thought it would be just perfect for Nikko and Capone.  Everytime Chris and I eat our frozen treats, the two of them give us the staredown.  Now, I don't have to feel so guilty.

The first time I gave this treat to the dogs, Nikko tried to devour the entire cube all at once.  He shoved it his mouth and chewed and chewed and chewed.  Capone, on the otherhand, needed a little help.  He tried to bite it; that didn't work.  He tried to lick it; that worked.  Since Capone took so long to eat his, Nikko wanted more.  Oh, the dogs...

Easy ingredients:
16 oz plain lowfat or nonfat yogurt
1 pt fresh or frozen blueberries
1 ripe banana smashed

In a large bowl, combine all ingredients.  Divide into two ice cube trays and cover with plastic wrap.  I only had mini muffin trays, so I used those. Allow to freeze solid.

That's it!

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